I dread those broken hearted nights
And those tragic memories
I dread knowing that you are not mine
Because you were the wind beneath my wings
All those days and nights i stood shedding my tears
For it felt as if a needle had punched my heart and my blood was flowin free
Drowning and killing every cell in its way to get rid of all those tragic memories
Clothes soaked , bed soaked , can u imagine the tears that came from my eyes
Then thinking of suicide , thinkin of takin my life or shuttin it down for good
Damn, how bad it feels when u loose someone you love
But My god has promised to forever love me
And that much is true
He has promised to never leave me
And i believe that is what he will do
So tho my heart is aching
I know someone is waiting
And God is always willing to mend it back again
Never think the worse just keep on the positive and pray and the pain will go away