You and me

by LaLa   Nov 26, 2006

Best friends may [fight]
they laugh and they (cry)
but nothing comes close
to you and i
we've seen each other *laugh*
we've made each other (cry)
talked each other to boredom
making them ......sigh.......
being so [close] like sisters are we
we've been through it all you and me
thrown a few ^punches^
at the other ones face
wanting some room
wanting some s p a c e
but in the end it all turns out right
we just look back smile, and laugh at our fight
with friendship like this
i hope it never ends
may we always be this [close]
either as (sisters) or [best friends]


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  • 17 years ago

    by Sami Cakes

    Hey sis. Love the poem. I think that you have a real talent and I also think that you should write uhhhhh what are they called........ Novels with poems. So talk to you later
    Love ya

  • 18 years ago

    by Elisa

    Ohh thats so cutee. its adorable. my best frinend lives with em and im totally going to give her your poem becasue we are sisters. just like it says in youir poem

  • 18 years ago

    by Elisa

    Ohh thats so cutee. its adorable. my best frinend lives with em and im totally going to give her your poem becasue we are sisters. just like it says in youir poem