A letter addressed to no one

by Chelsey   Nov 26, 2006

When your heart is slowing dieing and you’ve shed your last tear
You wish you had someone to help you, but not one person is near
You’ve been given the wheel, but you don’t know how to steer
It makes you wish you had an angel to bring you some cheer

People who you thought you loved claim to be there through the ride
But they don’t show up when the flame in your heart has died
Girls you thought were your sisters ignore you and leave your side
Everyone too busy to have notice that you cried

I just want to write a letter and throw it away
See how far it travels till it reaches someone someday
“I wish you could help me, please just pray
Ask God to comfort me and bring clear skies instead of gray”

I’d tell this anonymous person who has a kind heart
That my friends have their own issues and decided to part
Perhaps they could help me find a new and better start
And take my depressing writings and turn them into art

I’d tell this person of whom I’ve never met
I wish they could be here to help me forget
Of the people who have lied to me and made me upset
Maybe I could smile then instead of cry or sweat

There’s a letter on my desk, basically a rant
You can hear my cries in my words as well as my pants
I just wish someone could help straighten my life instead of living a slant
I wish you could be here reader, but I know that you can’t

*I'm not sure where this idea came from....part of its true part of its not...just a little something different*


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  • 17 years ago

    by Cathy

    I loved this poem! Very sad, thats how Ive been feeling everyday thats kind of a reason why I come on here.

  • 18 years ago

    by Twisted Heart

    Girls you thought were your sisters ignore you and leave your side
    Everyone too busy to have notice that you cried

    Life can be lonely. It can also be rewarding. This poem is so sad, it just speaks the trueth of what we view in our lives.

    Well done, again.

  • 18 years ago

    by Normal is the Watchword

    *Write it down, send it into the sea, always know you're loved, by the people who read*

  • 18 years ago

    by Angie

    Aaawww Chelz, this is so heartfelt and a tear jerker.... I'm always here if you need to talk or just want a hug. I'll give you the comfort that you need... just know that you've always go a friend in me.... I love ya girl....
