My Burning City

by Stormy   Nov 26, 2006

Lying awake with sorrowness, fearing those with pity

im not trying to escape my home, by name; My Burning City

to cope and then forget, something easily i have learned

taking all thats left of me after all of me was burned

ghost of my past enter with the decaying of my city wall

from the very flame that started this to the ash that ended all

darkness of my memories, the sorrow of my past

i had fear of losing this but i hope my life burns fast

no more broken promises or the fear of being forgot

i would have thrown my life away if i knew the pain it brought

now with all ive gone through i fear it is too late

although my surroundings are burning i built too strong a gate

i never should have delt with this, i should have given up before

but because of the long delay ill have to put up with more

stuck in this hell forever, it will never actually end

no escape or exits to my burning city im condemned


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  • 18 years ago

    by LuRvEKiTTeN

    This is exactly how i feel gr8 use of a burning city to express how u feel!your very talented!!lurve kitten x

  • 18 years ago

    by DavidBrendan

    From the very flame that started this to the ash that ended IT all

    'it' was the word I put in there that seemed to make it a better sentence to read, for me at least. Also 'dealt' is spelled with an 'a' after the 'e'. Very minor things that I picked up from a nonetheless good poem. 5/5