Our G-Force

by just a little girl   Nov 26, 2006

Together we spin around
Our feet don\'t even touch the ground
We thow each other away
But we run to each other the next day
We have the G-Force honey
It keeps us going better than money
You may say we are bad
But for our love I am glad
My friends do not believe
Its not possible for me to leave
Our G-Force is too strong
But people still say it\'s wrong

authors note;
for those who dont know, g-force is the force that you are put under when you eg. go on a rollercoaster or when you turn the corner in a car. in this context the g-force is the force that keeps on pulling the relationship back together


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  • 18 years ago

    by TeAr dROp

    Aww this is so sweet and cool!!! i like it...

  • 18 years ago

    by Karl Wild GG23

    Be careful because G-force can at times be deading if u turn that love corner to fast g-force will bring u down with it great poem 5/5 read some of my stuff u'll like it

  • 18 years ago

    by Goran Rahim

    This poem is a different one, that is why it is great. very nicely written. 5/5