Wat's The point To Living?

by Unknown2Thyself   Nov 26, 2006

What is the point to living?
To feel so much f**king pain that you can"t stop crying?
To sit in your room wondering why everyone you love stabs you in the back?
Well what is the f**king point?

What's the point?
So by the time you actually die your body is a canvas covered in cuts?
So that your mind is so f**king confused that every choice you make, you think is the wrong one?
Please someone tell me what is the f**king point?!?!?!

Is it so your parents can blame you for everything?
Or is it so you can feel worthless every minute of every day?
Is it so your boyfriend can make you feel like your lower then dirt?
Or is it so when you sit in a corner you feel like even the shadows are laughing at you?
What the hell is the point?

Is the point so that everyone else can get a good laugh out of your pain?
Is the point so that when you begin to cry everyone will just stare and say your nothing but a piece of sh*t?
Is the point so that when your sitting in your room waiting for someone to call and no one does that you feel all alone?
What is the point to this thing we call living?


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  • 17 years ago

    by isa

    Hi there. first i wanna thank you 4 tha comment!!!
    and wow this is an excellent poem!!! actually it describes how i feel right now!! life sucks !! really good job keep on going!!! talk to ya soon!

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