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by Nonna Nov 26, 2006 category : Love, romance / lost love
So what..it was the last words i think i said after he told me what he have to do or what he already did he told me and his eyes was full of tears that we should separate from right here i know he is lying but why i have to care no one have ever broke my heart and no one even dare i know he is acting he thought he was so smart why can't he believe that he is no longer in my heart sure every one think that i have ever loved he but why i have to fight for someone who can't fight for me someone don't have the enough courage to say no someone can simply let me go if i talk about loving him my talks will have no end he was my life,my lover,my everything and my friend for him i was ready to go any where all i asked him to do was to show me more care but as you see he always choose the easy way i knew we will broke up now or we will one day so it's OK with broking up now i will live without him and i do know how i don't care if he will pain or not i don't even care if he loved me alot i know one day he will feel regret and you can see him now he can't even forget