
by Darkbreath   Nov 26, 2006

My mind is going mad
Been stumbling and falling
Feeling good and feeling bad
I can hear it is calling

Your love is poison to me
I am drugged and controled
Is this how you want me to be?
Addicted and cold

Now you are here and I lay
In a place no one can find
Beeing for away
You are poison spinning around my mind

Cut myself till I bleed
Is this all a bad dream spinning in my lonely head?
Planting your dark seed
Only knowing what you have said.

Body withered... body died..
Time to take this live for a death ride


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  • 18 years ago

    by Karl Wild GG23

    Sometimes love isn't what we think it is, but this poem is so true 5/5 check my poems u'll love them u'll be able to relate also