Until The Last Beat Of My Heart

by angeL   Mar 23, 2004

Until The Last Beat Of My Heart

The rainy days are over
Everything is in its proper place once more
Feels like I am given a new life
A better life because you're part of it

You, coming into my life is unexpected
Never in my thoughts nor in my dreams
It never crossed my mind that the man I'm searching for
Is just right here beside me

A life full of hope and love
A heart full of happy memories
All the good things life could offer
All these I found in you

The most beautiful unexpected thing
That God ever bestowed upon me
Never would I trade all the time spent with you
With other things this world has to offer

Everything in this world changes
I'm not sure what the future would bring
Nor if destiny would allow me to keep you for all of my life
All I know is that you're here with me at present

I will stop this world from turning
Command destiny to lead our paths to each other
Stop fate from twisting
If there would come a time that I would feel
That they're taking you away from me

Forever I will remember
The day you came into my life
The day you smiled at me
The day you spoke to me
How you took care of me
How you put me into your arms
How you made me believe that dreams do come true
The day I woke up and realized that I love you
More than anything else in this world
And the day I decided
That I will love this man I am with
Until my last breath…until the last beat of my heart


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  • 21 years ago

    by Roula

    This was an awsome poem, I couldn't help but comment on it .... most of the time people dislike poems that don't rhyme, and they say that it doesn't touch their heart .... but I'll have to disagree with them after reading this poem .... It really touched me I got goose pumps especially the end it was very touching and deep .... you're awsome, keep writing :)