Soul Mates

by serendipitous   Nov 27, 2006

Highest of highs,
Lowest of lows,
Our hearts collided,
Body and soul.

Dreams, realizations,
fantasies unreal,
Minds battling, challenging,
defenses down, I would feel...

Without words, explanation, or contemplation...
Beside you, it was real.
Manifestation of fascination,
Our dreams no one could steal.

God's gift was our experience,
Time could not keep.
With both hearts broken, we parted, roads divided.
Five years pass, why do I weep?

Is there meaning to this meeting
Of two souls that used to be?
Our lives were intertwined, then set free...
It was not our destiny.

Every experience with you is surreal.
As we sit expressing openly, every word, every gesture I treasure, I feel...
Perhaps not a meaning, but a gift...
...a reminder of a time which seemed all too swift.

I will never see you again,
However; the soul I know so well remains in a space,
a place in my mind,
You are always here, carefully kept, tucked away, for only me to find.

You go your way.
I'll go mine.
In my heart,
Soul mates we are still defined.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Patricia

    Oh my goodness it was excellant i really enjoyed your poem great work i am a newmwmber you should check out my poems!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by N M Lambert

    This is beutiful. really well written- you are very good at ryming ! x