Friends Forever Died

by TRAGiC BEAUTY   Nov 27, 2006

Friends forever died long ago
They died long before you and me
No, there's no more real friends
And I don't think there ever will be

Friends always make up rumors
Because they know the most
Once they get a hold of secrets
Your reputation is pretty much toast

They fall in love with the wrong guys
The guys that are already yours
Then they'll try to steal him
Just to settle the scores

Friends stay together for years
Just to find out someone lied
I've been learning over the years
Friends forever has already died

--Just so you know, you're forgiven


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  • 18 years ago

    by *Charisma*

    Awww...very sad. I could see this poem presented in several different ways, but yours was nicely done!

  • 18 years ago

    by TheRevelation

    Good job sweetie and i liked how u sadi ur forgiven cause everything can get better so great job keep it up

  • 18 years ago

    by Raychil

    I know what you mean. I've also had friends who have used me just to get close, then she went and spread a lot of rumors about me. But you know, its your real friends who won't hurt you unless its an accident, and your real friends will stop the rumor or confront you about it. Don't get down on everyone just for one loss, sometimes you're better off without them. Great poem sweetie, I really liked it. 5/5.