I Try So Hard

by Cindy   Nov 28, 2006

I Try SO Hard
I try so hard to please you
Everything I do is wrong.
The things I say or do,
Even the way I sing a song.
All I want is for you to Love me
The way I love you!
For some reason that is hard for you to do!
I don't know if it is because I am sick?
I'm sorry that I am!
If I could change that fact I would
It was surely not in my plan.
The sun it always rose on you
and that is where it sat.
For you were Mommy's ray of sun
The day you were born my heart you won.
I'd wake up in the morning, to your sparkling eyes
I'd sing you to sleep each night listening to your little sighs
Everyday was something new
You and all the silly things you'd do!
Now when you look at me all you do is frown.
Where did my little boy go?
Why all of a sudden am I your foe?
I love you so very much son,
If I look real hard, I can still see the little boy
You use to be.
In the rare smile you sometimes flash at me
Or when you pat your daughters head,or the way you hold her hand
When I see this I realize my boy is now a man!
But the little boy who spent so much time with me
Is in my heart and all my memories!

Written By: Cynthia Graver April 5, 2002


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  • 15 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Aww this brought a little tear. this is so sad to read that all your love to your son is not returne the way it should be. you have wrote a very powerful poem out of a very heart wrenching situation.

    well done xx

  • 17 years ago

    by Andrew Morton

    "I Try SO Hard"

    i read through the entire thing that line stood out like crazy...whether it be intentional or a typo, the capitalization for the first "SO" just screams at me..screams...i love it, i think this is probably the best one ive seen from you - keep it up

  • 18 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    Oh this has me in tears...
    So sad...so beautiful..so tragic.
    A beautifully written piece.

  • 18 years ago

    by BECCA lessTHANthree

    Wow.. i wanted to read an older poem too see how you've improved.. and you have but you still this is an amazing poem to begin with.. you just keep getting better and better

  • 18 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    This was a very sad poem, my friend, it showed so much love, and emotion, your words really portrayed what was going on here, well done Cindy.
    Love your dear friend Tara-Kay