Author Unknown

by Ksusha   Nov 28, 2006

Dear Prince,

How are things with you? Everything with me is great. I miss you a lot.

Things have been a little hard lately without you. I feel lost in the world. I feel so out of place everywhere I go. There is no one I can relate to, no one I can really talk to. I miss your touch, the comfortable feeling you gave me. I need you here to have someone to care and love me.

I've have really let myself go body wise. I've started to eat like a complete nut case. I just find myself bored and I eat. But I think I'm still average looking. How are you... still maintaining you 6-pack? I hope you didn't change your hair color again. I really liked the black in your hair. Oh man I miss those green eyes.

Remember those concerts we went to? I jam out to that music all the time. Everything from the race music to metal. I kinda of wish we did something country. I dance around the house to all that music remembering the thrill of the moment, but nothing is the same without you.

Maybe when you come to me we could do a lot of traveling? I have a job now. I'm going to be spending most of the money on a tattoo soon. {yay finally getting one!} But with your job and mine together maybe we could do a few small road trips or one big trip to Europe?

How is your apartment? Hopefully you're still not being harassed by your landlord. I miss watching movies on that comfy couch. Ha! The cat fur all over it made it more fuzzy. Oh man do you remember the golden girl, the nanny, and Sex in the city marathon. We must have been on the couch for 2 days straight. So much junk food. We must have spent the next week working all that off at the gym.

That's another reason Ive let things go. I need you here to yell at me to work out. I really need my work out buddy back. Ive been slacking on my homework and classes cause I have no one to make me go. You were the only one that could manipulate me into doing those things.

What I miss most of all is the sweet way you talked to me at night. The cuddling. The way you used to play the guitar and sing on those sleepless nights. I miss all the nights with you.

I hope you will find me soon.

Love always.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Mommy And Me

    Its a good poem... but try and break your lines up some, giving the readers some imagination


    Things have been a little hard lately without you. I feel lost in the world. I feel so out of place everywhere I go. There is no one I can relate to, no one I can really talk to. I miss your touch, the comfortable feeling you gave me. I need you here to have someone to care and love me.

    change to

    with out you, the world is plain confusion
    no matter where i go, i no longer belong
    no relation, no words to be spoken
    for with out you touch, there is no comfort left
    i need your love back

    if you break your lines up a bit, it will help people stay into your poetry.


  • 18 years ago

    by The Lonely Rose

    Wow..kewlies..but isnt tht more lik a letter than a poem anywayz it was good..

  • 18 years ago

    by *Isolde*

    Omg that is so cute, I realy loved it 5/5 keep it up.

  • 18 years ago

    by Brittany C

    I think that it is great. i like it alot. it is different, good job. keep up the good work.5/5