Love May Be For Fools

by Jaime   Nov 28, 2006

Acting a little funny,

Feeling a little strange.
Open arms to the blissful jaws-
Of love, of hope, of change.
Like lightening painted on the plainest night,

Instead of your typical stars.
Nothing but fairy tales to plot out reality:

Love breaks barriers, and raises bars.
One may struggle to find this fuzzy glow, for it
Varies in forms and size.
Endless security is no guarantee, but

It brings with it's claws unbearable highs.
So many fall blindly to a crude imposter,

A brutal stranger with loves calming mask.

However, masks are only temporary facades
And those who trip discover it's one sinful task.
People are too quick to take the time that is
Presented to them, to discover the beauty of-
Yellow skies, butterflies, rainbows and

Flowers, shooting stars and falling in love.
Of course, those that experience the magic
Obviously can't relate to the turmoil below them.
Love may be for fools, but fools are happy; and lack of is just tragic.


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by cong

    Hey thats ok if you dont belive me i understand its a sad thing to beleve

  • 18 years ago

    by Zubayer Zakir Khan

    Arrite... that was brilliant!! well im not much of a romantic person dont believe in love and all that... but readin this I gotta tell u... i wanna be your fool...hehe..god bless keep writing! tata...

  • 18 years ago

    by Sungrl And Mrs Whatsit

    .....a well-directed stream of consciousness.....

  • 18 years ago

    by DeadGirl AKA Becka

    OMG this was a very good poem!! I love all of ur poems, u are a way better writer than I am. You know how to use ur imagination very well, and you express in different ways how you feel. thats true poetry, and I hope you write more poems. 5/5 from me!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Gem

    "Like lightening painted on the plainest night,"
    That image was beautiful.

    Now this poem interested me, normally, i can't get into free verse easily but the flow and the wording of this poem just drew me in.
    The message that is portrayed in this was done so cleverly. Especially in the very last line.
    So true.
    Excellent work!