Things I Miss

by Cindy   Nov 28, 2006

Things I Miss

I miss the sunlight in the morning,

the dew drops on the lawn.

The birds singing their songs,

in the early morning dawn.

I miss seeing the leafs,

blowing in the wind.

The sound of the water,

gurgling in the brook.

I really miss the way,

that everything looks.

For you can only see so much,

looking out the window.

The sounds floating in,

through a screen.

You don't see all the flowers,

that are blooming in the spring.

Or the farmer in his garden,

with plow in tow.

The corn in July,

all growing in a row.

The sounds of children laughing,

as they play in their pools.

Or their joyous screams,

as they get out of school.

I miss the smell of Autum,

the coolness in the air.

The way the fall wind blows,

through my hair.

The crackling of the leafs,

when they crunch under my feet.

I miss taking the kids door to door,

to say Trick or Treat.

I miss feeling the snowflakes,

falling on my face.

The sound of the crackling bonfire,

as the skaters lace their skates.

I miss the beauty of the sun.

rising on the snow.

Going outside feeling the,

cold north wind blow.

Watching the sun,

setting in the west.

All the beautiful colors,

I like the red the best.

I miss looking,

into the nighttime sky.

Watching the twinkling stars,

up so very high.

But most of all I miss you dear,

I have since you died.

I know we'll be together again,

That thought keeps me alive.

Written By: Cindy Graver

July 2, 2oo2


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  • 15 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Wow, you have described in so much detail the most important times of the year through and all the occasions, i like this poem very much, it is something we as humans take for granteed a lot and dont appreciate it like we should.

    i can also relate to this poem, when your in a deep depression you do not wake up to see the things we have in life, we miss all the little things you have mentioned in the poem.

    thank you for sharing such a wonderful poem. xx

  • 18 years ago

    by kiara

    Wow this was amazing ive never read anything like it i love the discription of the world outside the window i suppose you forget to appreciate those things when you are always living in it
    luvd it so very very very very much

  • 18 years ago

    by Rachel RTVW

    Very emotional piece. Many people take these things for granted. Don't know what you've got till it's gone.

  • 18 years ago

    by nobody truly knows me

    Aww...i loved this so so much! truly wonderful. 5/5.

  • 18 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    Oh wow...
    I have tears in my eyes.
    This was beautiful.
    Filled with emotion and so sad, yet beautiful to read.
    I loved it.