
by XxXBluefireXxX   Nov 28, 2006

You were there to pick me up
Whenever I needed you
Every time I ever cried
You helped me see it through

When my hands shook
you stopped their nervous action
You gave me tons of confidence
When I only had a fraction

On the day I decided I would leave
You were absolutely everything to me
I faced living on my own
With only you inside my home
When the world seemed too bare
You were always always there

Now as I lay on my bathroom floor
Only wishing for you more
I realize you will only make it worse
I throw you and I curse

Now your like the love I wish I could forget
I love you so I can't let you go
No matter what you do to me
I can't live without you, I know

I love you as my only passion, only friend
So I will let you detroy me
I can't live without you
Without you what would I be?

So I'll lie on the bathroom floor
Maybe have just one more
As my heart inside me dies
You are my love, my love that lies


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  • 18 years ago

    by CY GINDLE

    I like poems with hidden meanings
    only thing i have this loveso many times. 5/5 ur poems rock

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