The cut of insanity

by Good Enough   Nov 28, 2006

I pull the blade on top of my skin
Holding back tears of what you did
Unable to cope to my emotions
I cut so deep I feel sick inside
You let me fall when all is up
Deeper and deeper the blade falls in
Pain and agony are now my friends
They comfort me in ways you could not
I must be crazy to love this pain
This trait that I hold shall never die
Its me its who I am
Cut with the blade of insanity


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  • 15 years ago

    by Kimberley

    Wow. this is a wonderful poem that oh so many people can relate to. including me.

    Fabulous wording, It really speaks out. 5/5. ~KM~

  • 15 years ago

    by AnCi

    I can relate to this poem. Even though it was a looong tima ago for me it feels like it was yesterday. The words that went straight to my heart is these: "I must be crazy to love this pain "

  • 15 years ago

    by No1ButMe

    I loved this poem, I could relate to it so well. I've been raped also so I know how it feels to cut because you want the pain on the inside to stop. I think the quote "You take pills to kill the thing inside you, you cut to let it out" very much applies. It's a quote I've been told often. Just keep your head high and know you're not alone. 5/5


  • This is good i have not cut for about 7 weeks and i want to cut and it is taken ever thing so i dont do it

  • 16 years ago

    by JusTxXxLiezZz

    Great poem raw raw emotions 5/5. keep up d good work!