Comments : Secret Keeper

  • 17 years ago

    by Bryan

    This is very good ciao, it has a great flow, i give it a perfect 5/5!!! keep it up!!!

  • 17 years ago

    by donna

    Aww that's so sweet.. is it supposed to be froggy and not foggy tho? hehe.. I have a teddy bear that is 29yrs old now, it's amazing what our soft toys have to put up with lol..
    Nicely written as always Hun.. 2nd stanza 3rd line needs an 'o' on the no at the start.. Other than that great poem Hun 5/5 xx

  • 17 years ago

    by Twisted Heart

    We all have our secret keepers. We all need them. It's nice to know that you have yours. Very nicely done.

    Although the rhythmn was off in a few places, overall, it was a good job done.
