
by Steph   Nov 29, 2006

I eat and I eat all day and night
No stoppin' me I'll give you a fight
I'll eat and spend more on food
Get so fat won't look like a dude

I'll go back to the grocery store
And they won't let me have no more
I'll get so fat that I can't fit out the door
But who cares? I don't need to walk anymore

I ate so much that I went broke
Now I'm the butt of every joke
Now I'm living on the streets
And the worst part is I don't have my treats

Without food I will die
So if you find this, please send me a pie

Im and addict to anything deep-fried
And will be till the day I die
'cuz I'm a huge fat guy


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  • 17 years ago

    by John

    Still Good Steph !!

  • 18 years ago

    by Steph

    Ok, for those of you who read this and now think i'm a transvestite, i'm not... i had to write a poem for english where you tried to impersonate the opposite sex... sorry to people who might get offended... i.e. fat people & guys