As I lay me down to sleep,
The wind gently touches my cheeks.
'Neath the twilight,
the lullabies serve as my coffee,
and my thoughts have gone so endless.
The cold wind no longer freezes my senses.
The darkness doesn't even give me fright.
The moans of the cats,
that once the kind of noise I hate,
Now make me look back
to mem'ries old enough to fade.
I met a lot of people.
Some I thought would stay for good.
Some, I never would want to lose.
And some, I don't want to keep.
Then I realized the joy
that all of them have given,
the moments we shared for free--
the laughters, the tears,
that life has offered to me.
But I ask these--
Why would someone always had to leave
just when you're starting to hold him tight?
And how come his absence make you weak
When in fact, you lived in the past without him?
How did he ever made you fall so deep
When in the end, you'll be walking alone in grief?
I wish the world would stop spinnin'
And I would no longer be wailing
For the pain that every night brings,
So in disdain, I wouldn't be hanging!
But like raindrops,
One shall fall on the ground.
Like a song,
One's voice shall fade.
And like a culprit,
Pain shall suddenly conquer one's soul.