Always be here

by MidnightKisses   Nov 30, 2006

What do u do when the only person who makes you stop crying, is the one who made u cry? Run and hide, ignoring him is the best thing to do for now. Sooner or later you got to confront him and let him know you're hurt. You don't know if you can still go on like this day to day. You know deep down you still love him. As you are hiding, true love is the only person who can make you cry. He might be your one and only, instead of him hurting you. If you hadn't met him, you wouldn't be where you have gotten. With his love and his encouragement you make a step further into your life and down you path. Loving him is the best thing. Him holding your hand, hugs you, kisses you, saysI miss you, and says I love you proves you are his world. If you lost him once more, you don't know if you will survive in the lonely, dark world.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Matt Dahl

    I love your poem keep up the great work!

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