by Abbey aka the goth girl   Nov 30, 2006

If you ask why

I Will probably lie

If you ask fore the truth

I will tell you that i don't know

I don't know why i do it

Probably because I'm sad or because I'm a freak

Or its because of people
just like you who...

Say something I want to hear

say something nice

Say you're my friend

But when I'm gone

You insult me.

Maybe thats the reason


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  • 18 years ago

    by Misunderstood Misery

    I totally understand where your coming from...people and life sucks. great poem 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Ren

    I'm sorry for your pain. Please take care alright? Great Poem though, I understood what you were saying..

    Peace Always!

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