A Prescription Changed

by Lauren Waszkiewicz   Nov 30, 2006

A prescription changed,
500 megs instead of 2 (00)
She lied. She Lied.
She lied to, and decieved you.

The pain remains,
Only now it's in her head.
it hurts, it hurts
It still hurts is what she said.

Dozens of empty bottles,
Lay scattered on the floor.
She needs, She needs.
She desperatly needs more.

One too many pills,
She popped with some gin.
her heart. Her Heart.
Her heart stopped beating within.

Ya know, every time i come on here i see more comments on this one poem.. and i didnt know why. then i clicked sadness and depression on the left and was like WHOA!! omg. i cant belive im there. thats so awesome. =]]]]]]]]]

Thankies for commenting and such!


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  • 18 years ago

    by Robie Lincer

    Its really good... love the structure of the whole poem... the way you wrote the words... it flowed really good... yet it was very sad! keep it up!

  • 18 years ago

    by luna bella

    No mere words could describe what i was feeling when i read this poem.......... all i can say is keep up the great work

  • 18 years ago

    by e LIZ a beth

    I like this poem but i had to read it twice to understand it... and uhm in the first stanza it seems like you tried to hard to rhym the "2" with you. because then you put the (00) there so i then understood but anywhoo. it was still a good poem. great job!!

  • 18 years ago

    by BeautifulDisaster

    I love this one... its a lot like some of the poems ive written

  • 18 years ago

    by N J Thornton

    I'm personally not a fan of suicide poems, they're too overused for my liking, but that's my opinion of subject.
    I think it was good, you used emotion to portray the situation. The flow and rhyme was good too, there was no sign of forced rhymes.
    I think though you may have gone slightly overboard with the repetition. It's a good tool when used in moderation, but it was just bit too much for me here.
    Also, on the second line of the second stanza, it should be "it's," as an apostrophe should be used when representing the conjunction "it is."
    Thanks for sharing.