Monstrositie's Wake

by Seeker of Truth   Dec 1, 2006

What do we do,
When it's all a mess?
When every thing's fine,
Yet the chaotic rule?

I hate this pain.
I want to escape.
Problems never end.
Is that what life is?
Just a never-ending mass of questions and obstacles?

I need to satisfy my yearning,
This longing for Love, for Happiness,
To feel whole.

It isn't enough to write about it.
That just pacifies it for a time.
Then it slowly creeps back from the darkest recesses of my mind.

It's begun to manifest in almost everything I do.
It's consuming me, bit by bit, until I quell it's source.
I look to wisdom from all corners,
including from myself, but nothing seems to stick.



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