Heartbreak Hotel. [Kyrielle]


Heartbreak Hotel.

A black and white photograph lay in her trembling hands
With scarlet tears quivering down from her lonely eyes,
And she traced the words engraved into the wedding band -
As the walls at Heartbreak Hotel sang her a broken lullaby.

Silver smoke engraved into her blackening lungs,
As she muffled her broken hearts desperate cries;
And holding back her anger - she bit her trembling tongue
As the walls at Heartbreak Hotel sang her a broken lullaby.

And she slammed the empty bottle down to the floor,
As she swallowed back all of your pathetic little lies,
Asking: "What have I ever done wrong before...?"
As the walls at Heartbreak Hotel sang her a broken lullaby.

© Jenna Elphick
November 30, 2006

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A Kyrielle is a French form of rhyming poetry written in quatrains (a stanza consisting of 4 lines), and each quatrain contains a repeating line or phrase as a refrain (usually appearing as the last line of each stanza). Each line within the poem consists of only eight syllables. There is no limit to the amount of stanzas a Kyrielle may have, but three is considered the accepted minimum.

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  • 17 years ago

    by Wasted Fake Smiles

    Wow...amazing...yet again. u really have a gift w/ words. it was full of emotion and detailing, and the flow was perfect...keep it up! 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by *Charisma*

    Granted, I'm not into alcoholics and stuff, but I thought the word in this were powerful and did make quite the statement. You have a way to make ppl feel whatever emotion you want. That's a great talent!
    1st Comment

  • 17 years ago

    by Virna Estella

    Wow.. the poem sounded like a song.. heart warming! hey, can you post another kyrielle? so i can try to write my own.. thanks!:-)

  • 17 years ago

    by Mommy And Me

    Wow . this is a great poem. full of thought and emotion. great work Jenna