Her eyes are red,her hearts dead

by Silent Screams   Dec 1, 2006

Theres this girl that i pick on everyday heres a poem about her...please vote and comment please i'll return the fav thanks so much:)
5:00AM...Wake up...What are you going to do today?...go kill yourself.

6:00AM...Look around you...your family doesn't love you.

7:00AM...Time to go on the bus put on that fake face,but everyone can still see through a part of it they see that your a big disgrace.

8:00AM...Get to school you suck,everyone else rules.

9:00AM...Go sit in a corner and die no one would care no one would cry, they don't even know you so why would they care?

10:00AM...Your still sitting in your corner trying not to cry,everyone is walking by without saying "hi".

11:00AM...They all look at you... what a freak they say they laugh and skip away

12:00PM...Lunch at last but...what will you do?sit with the people that think they know you?

1:00PM...You sit and listen to them talk and laugh,even though your right there your still a million miles away.

2:00PM...Back to class the kids make faces behind you back.

3:00PM...You walk in with mud on your jeans and tears in your eyes they look at you with disgust,your such a .f.u.c.k. "go away" they say.

4:00PM...Schools almost out everyone shouts,but your not happy you know what will happen at home.

5:00PM...Getting off the bus kicking your feet going as slow as you can go,you never want to go home.

6:00PM...He yells at you and tells you your worthless...and now you believe him to.

7:00PM...Talking to the kids that think they know you but in reality they have no clue.

8:00PM...You've always been alone and always will be,who would want to get to know you?

9:00PM...Cut,cut,bleed,bleed,you need someone to help you but no one knows how,so thats why you do what you do,cut,cut,bleed,bleed.

10:00PM...Writing nasty messages to yourself,now theres blood all over your walls,you out of control,but you can't let it go.

11:00PM...Thats it cry,cry,your eyes will never be dry.

12:00AM...Still crying...stop crying little girl or your never going to get to sleep.

1:00AM...She's still awake crying, she's dying inside.

2:00AM...Now she's asleep drifting in and out of a horrible dream.

3:00AM...But then she awakes dripping in sweat,to scared to move, to scared to breath,but she can't scream for her mommy.

4:00AM...You wouldn't believe how much this girl needs someone to understand her,and help her through these dark times.

Her eyes are red,her heart is dead...she's losing it all...
How do i know this all...?
well this girl is me...


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by she

    Oh,this is simply amazing,i can really relate,youre not alone,and it will get better.5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by CY GINDLE

    Wowwwwwwww i want to read this again after i get back from work because i rush through it and want i did read i love but like i said i want to read it slower, thanks 4 ur comment
    i ll get back 2u tonight . time to get
    into sleepwalk mode and go to work
    thats what we all do you know just sleepwalk through our daily sucky lives
    until something walks you up. i'LL WAKE UP ON APRIL 3 WHEN I GO SEE


  • 18 years ago

    by my name is Llama

    Well i'm glad u had the courage to talk to me. leave me a comment with your email address on it so i can send u an email because it will be alot easier to talk with you vire that.

    i have started to feel that i am slipping back into depression also and have also started cutting again. so if it is any consolation we r sorta goin through the same thing in some respect.

    my mum has a mental health problem as well so i know how hard it is to live with.

    i don't know what i can offer you but i am willing to be there to listen to anything you want to tell me. i can also share any experiences i have had if u want to feel less alone (if u no wot i mean) and i can let you know things that have worked with me or things my counsellors have told me to do. maybe it might help u. it's atleast worth a try.

    have u tryed starting a dairy. often it is a great release of tension and feelings. and u can discover things about urself that u don't no. wot i mean is often u can find what is relli troubling u and that way it is easier to find a way to slove it or atleast make it betta.

    i no this may also seem a bit out there but have u ever thought about admitting youself into a children psych hospital for a week or sumtink. it could give you some time out from ur family and maybe give you some strategies to help you feal with life better. you could also try resbite which is like living sumwhere else for myb 2days a week to give u a break. you would have 2 discuss it with ur doctor/counsellor.

  • 18 years ago

    by V a n i t y V e i n 6 9

    Sad poem... really really really sad... but it was well written!!! thumbs up for that!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by tAsTeSlIkEsKiTtLeZ

    Im back hope that puts a smile on your face
    You were here for me now ill do the same for you. I kno i dont no much about highschool bt i do have 2 older brothers. My family always tells me dont let it get to me there kids (The worst kind of human being) :) Please please dont cut i kno it may be hard to stop but if your gone i wont have anyone to encourage me to write your like a sister i never had even though we dont communicate much i still think of you. And if those kids give you trouble kick them :D i do that And whats this thing about your dad i feel really bad. Try to get back