Death forgave me (sonnet)

by Keath   Dec 1, 2006

I place butterfly kisses on your remains
Trailing my fingers along your veins
Closing your eyes to lock out the dark
Far away fades the last spark

Your face is cradled in a sleeping pose
A single finger wrapped along a winter rose
I embrace your lips with all love I find
Why has your soul left me behind

The illness was wrecking your body apart
Still, you were laughing like nothing was wrong
Until the disease touched your beating heart

Sweat dripped along your face like a tell tale song
Though, the water seemed not your last cart
It was the empty feeling, infecting you too long

This poem is called a sonnet, a style that exists of 14 lines. The first 8 (octave) are aabbaabb or abababab and the second 6 (sextet) are ababab. At the 9 sentence there is a change (time or subject) in the poem.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Catastrophic Beauty

    Excellent poem. I loved the style and the rhyming was great, didnt seem forced at all.

    Keep it up .&&. thanks for the comment!