The Voices In MY Head- Past and Present

by Keili   Dec 1, 2006

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I wish I could go back sometimes. These are the things I would have said to the people I loved when I didn't know what to say. Didn't I teach you how NOT to get caught, Kay May? No. Daddy you didn't. You taught Mommy though. We gotta find Dad! I know, Cammy, he needs to be here. I love you guys. We love you too, Daddy. ~Where'd you go? I miss you so! Seems like it's been forever, since you've been gone! Please come back home~ Don't forget me. I won't forget you. You are MY daughter. Your mom can't change that. Really? Then where are you? ~You have come here from all over the world, because society has no further use for you. This place will now be your home and pen until your death.~ I wish Mom would leave Ron and come back to us. I hate your Mom! Why does she do this to you? Goddess, how I wish I knew. Whas zat? That, my dear Destiny is the world as we know it. I miss you , Sissy. I bet Ryan and Colin hate me, huh? Yea little brother. They do, but I miss you too, so who cares about them? Wanna hit this? You bet, Dad! ~It's not fair! Such a nightmare! Of the mess you left when you went away!~ Kitty! Yes, my precious. But he's mean, play nicely. When are you going to come over? As soon as Colin and Ryan get over themselves and realize that I need my family. Joe is our real dad, not Brendan. You have no idea how much I wish he was still around. Buh Bye! No, little one, not goodbye, never goodbye. Auntie will never leave you. I love you. I know you think it's true, but Kayla, I think its just an obsession from you. Me and Dad had another fight. It was terrible. Mom doesn't believe me. It hurt really bad this time. I bled so bad! Hunnie, I know. I wish I could help, you need to turn him in. ~Hell is for children! They cry in the dark, so you can't see their tears. They hide in the light, so won't see their tears.~ I love you, too. I know, Bubba. Just wait until I'm eighteen. I hate my dad! I know, bro. I'll get you out of there on my eighteenth birthday, I promise. Mom, mom, mom, mommmmmmmy!!! Destiny Lynn, your smile is so precious. I love you, Keili. I love you too, Cammy. You know I'd take a bullet for you. I miss Mom so much and you smell just like her now. I miss you Keili Baby. I love you. Times were rough, but I realize I should have listened to you. You had so much to say, but I never listened. I'm sorry. Mommy. Why, did you treat me like that? I wish you would have listened to me. I listened to you. Mommy, what is love? Is it the way I am with Destiny? Is it the loyalty between my brother and sister and me? The darkness consumes me nowadays.~ Cuz, I'm not the one who's so far away, when I feel the snake bite enter my veins. Never did I want to be here again, and I don't remember why I came!!~


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