Missing the one beside me

by emmerz   Dec 1, 2006

I'm missing the one beside me
The one I love so much
I feel we're sitting miles apart
Even though our shoulders touch

I shouldn't be so happy
Why do I feel this good?
We're sitting together as best friends do
Though I would be more if I could

Everything he ever does
Every clever thing he says
Every powerful moment between us
Simply takes my breath away

I cherish each memory we share
And write it down in a book
I can open it up whenever
In the quiet, I'll take a good look

All these good things cover the bad;
Every moment I want to frown
I miss him so much even though
He's there beside me, sitting down

I miss the way he would give a hug
When I needed one so badly
I miss the way he'd smile at me
When my head hung down so sadly

I miss the way he made me feel
When he was telling a story
I miss the way he gave me life
And let me take the glory

I miss the way he'd whisper to me
Tell me secrets no one knew
I miss the way he'd laugh as I fell
But he would help me back up too

Now I'm missing the one beside me
The one I really do care
I feel we're as close as friends can be
Yet he doesn't even know I'm there


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  • 18 years ago

    by ABake

    Wow! Love the emotion! Wonderfully written!

  • 18 years ago

    by ABake

    Wow! Love the emotion! Wonderfully written!

  • 18 years ago

    by Mommy And Me

    This poem was well written. it had a sad love mood to it. and everything seemed to fit together. well done.

  • 18 years ago

    by Mousie

    It was a nice poem and i love the idea, just the thing that makes a great poem for me is the vocabulary. this poem was elementary vocabulary, and don't get me wrong, half my poems are the same way, and a lot of the vocabulary will come naturally with time as you get older and learn new words to place in where they fit. next time, just try to see even if you could use a thesaurus to make it a little less elementary, a little more maturely written, but please dont just flip through and use big words if you dont know what they are... that drives me nuts, they don't flow then... don't get me wrong, i really did like this poem, i just room for improvement, and i'm trying to give constructive criticism, if it was hurtful to you, please let me know, i didn't mean it like that! i'll read a couple others. keep up the good work though, there's talent in there, it just needs to shine.

  • 18 years ago

    by X2892

    WWWOOOWW, ur poem that u wrote was so excellent it had so much emotion 2 it, n it was nice 2 read something like this, although while reading this, it made me remember something that was the same 2 me, well enough with that. All i have 2 say is that ur poem was EXCELLENT 5/5