Someday. . .

by Miss Used   Dec 1, 2006

I sit alone
watch people walk,
watch them laugh,
and watch them talk.

they look at me,
as if i care,
that they call me different
but i just stare.

stare, stare,
into the deep.
on the inside,
i always weep.

sing my song
of sorrow and greif
pray, pray
in my beleif.

that someday
I'll float away
and leave this shell
i pray, i pray.

back in my chair
my heart still sings
for always i know
i'll get my wings.


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  • 17 years ago

    by cory

    Its so sad i hpoe u get ur wings too. this was my favorite part"stare, stare,
    into the deep.
    on the inside,
    i always weep." keep on rockin


  • 18 years ago

    by Zoe

    Hey i really liked this poem i can really relate to it....5/5 keep it up

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