It was the Breeze

by The Flame Within   Dec 2, 2006

A feather rises in a breeze
it is me
that rises
it is me who is the feather
before i fell
further and further down
the grass entangled itself around me
the world and its disorder
its hypocrisy
its judging and ruthless ways
holding its grip tight
but, it was the breeze
it was the breeze that set me free
the small wind of air that pulled me away
i know not of where it came
i only know now of where it goes
it goes with me
into the sky
through the clouds
through the trees
always keeping me up
before there was a breeze
i was but a lost feather
who was trampled upon
misused, misunderstood
but when the wind came
when i was lifted up
all my worries
my problems
my regrets
were still in the grass that held me tight
and i was not with them
i was peace
with joy
with Love
and it was all thanks to the wind
it was the breeze
and that is why i Love her
because she lifted me up
and held me close in the air
she took all my worries, and problems and regrets
It was she who is my breeze
and it is she who brings me peace, joy, and Love
and it is She who now i go with
where she came from i know not
but where she goes, is with me
and forever, we will fly together


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  • 18 years ago

    by Fighter (Ariane L.)

    Aww... i really missed your poems :) you're as amazing as always. truly gifted. keep up the awesome work and good luck to the two of you ;)

  • 18 years ago

    by ChevyCowgirl23

    Aww nick this is awesome!!! hey i deleted my myspace so if you need to talk emial me