The Truth

by Drunke   Dec 2, 2006

Why don't you ever trust me
I told you I wasn't so leave me be
You heard me say this is the last time
And all you could say was fine
Now you are refusing to talk to me
You doing that kills me don't you see
As time passes I want to cut deeper
Because stupid old me thought you was a keeper
You said you love me but I guess you lied
When we fought I was the one that cried
What you say really hurts & causes more slits
You would think, by now I should get the hints
But why wont you just tell the truth and say go away
Trust me it will hurt more for you to lie then say what you gotta say
After a while things will happen to my body
For it will grow numb and bloody
Instead of lying and letting me die slow and painfully
Just tell me the truth and let me die quick and painless


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  • 18 years ago

    by Matt Dahl

    I really enjoyed reading your poem! Keep up the great work!