HaVe YoU eVeR

by DeMoNiC aNgEl   Dec 2, 2006

Have you ever wanted to curl up in a ball and die,
asking god to save you as you continue to cry,
have you ever felt hopeless and alone,
cause you werent wanted and dont have a home,
have you ever had someone say Ill always be there for you,
but in the end they can never follow through,
have you ever had a mom just get up and leave,
its so much you cant do anything but grieve,
have you ever given that special somone your heart,
and all they do is tear you heart apart,
have you ever wished for an angel to protect you from harm,
you thought you had one but it was just a false alarm,
have you ever had a dad struggle to try and give you everything he can,
he works so hard to achieve what he thinks is the master plan,
have you ever tried to cut away all your misery,
you cut so deep sometimes you almost become history,
have you ever gone and ran away at night,
cause you thought that would make everything alright,
have you ever wished someone would just lend you a hand,
you see people arent like that here but maybe they are in some distant land,
have you ever wished away your life,
cause you feel like nothing but a man with a knife,
so tell me have you ever gone through any of the above,
if you have then i assure you you have all my sympathy and love,
for those that havent now that you heard this what do you have to say,
cause now you see what our lives are like each and everyday.

i have been going through alot lately and just had to get it all down. pleaz rate and comment it would mean alot thanks


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  • 18 years ago

    by WhiTneY

    Hey thnx for the comment...

  • 18 years ago

    by Haidee

    It was really eye opening, i been in a really weird freindship wit a guy that is going through sum shit and he knws i like him alot more than a frend, but hes too depressd and caught up to compute, so thanks its showd me wot its like