To My Brother, Leo

by Laurie Tran   Dec 2, 2006

(some people thought my brother had died, but no, he didn't. he was never alive to begin with)

My dear brother, Leo,
I hope you are happy over there.
I'm sorry you're not here with us.
I wonder why life is so unfair.

You would have loved it here.
You've got a sister times two.
We would've taught you useful things in life,
along with your older brother too.

I wish Mom hadn't kept you a secret,
I wish she had let you live.
I hate that I was so oblivious to her growing tummy,
Myself for losing you, I can never forgive.

You would have been 6 years old now.
Probably in first grade.
Your brother would be playing against you on the old 64,
If only in this world you stayed.

It was because of dad that you are gone,
To him, I will never give forgiveness.
It was because of him, Mommy had to give you up.
It was because of him, I'm one brother-less.

Just know that I will still love you forever,
even though I've never even met you.
You're still my blood, a part of me.
I hope you'll still love and forgive us too.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Suicide With A Smile

    Thanks for the comment.. thought i was all alone? e mail me at thanks

  • 18 years ago

    by lonelynow

    I almost had a sister, Sarah. She was a stillborn. I've always wanted a proper older sister, one close to me in age. She would have been 18 months older than me. And there were 4 other babies too, miscarriages. I just wanted to say that I know how you feel, a little. But it must be worse for you, because for my family there was nothing we could do about it. You're mother made a hard, hard choice. Life or death... and she did what she thought was best.

    Brilliant poem, brought up a lot of emotions. Well done XX

  • 18 years ago

    by ABake

    Wow thats a really good poem...keep on writing xoxo