My dream of u

by kaici   Dec 2, 2006

I was fast asleep,
Dreaming on,
Holding your hand,
Then you were gone.

I woke up in despair.
Found the day
Turn to night again.
And laid myself down,
Found again my eternal zen.

Mystified in it,
Consumed in it,
I couldn't find myself.
Then you tried to find me,
Caught in my web of emotions.
Hate, desire, despair,
You searched forever,
And a day.
Locked inside of me.
I was dying inside.
You still could not find me,
You looked so very long.

And then you found me,
Frozen inside my sadness,
Holding onto my life,
I was so helpless.

The tears ran down my face,
The web turned pink.
You were scared,
You could not think.
You lifted me up,
Enough to see me smile.
My head had
Tilted to the floor.
A voice then spoke to me,
No more

You screamed, No
It could not be!
I could not die,
I should be free!
The voice did not seem to care.
You could not use your lungs,
You cried for me, on me.
The pink turned to red,
Then blue...
Your love was the key.

I touched your hair,
And opened my eyes.
I was on my bed again,
You were there with me.
Can it be so?
I cried real tears,
And touched your face.
You saved me,
You knew it.
You touched my face,
You kissed me...

And we both knew then,
That our love would save us,
Always and again...


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  • 18 years ago

    by Matt Dahl

    I really enjoyed reading your poem! Keep up the great work!