Cant love anymore

by cuca aShLeY   Dec 3, 2006

Now that i have felt the misery of love
the pain of having your heart broken by the one i love so much,
i don't think i want to feel love again

I'm afraid, afraid of this happening again
of my constant crying
of my hopeless hope
of living of darkness and sorrow

i now know that love isn't meant for everybody.especially not for me
because i am very fragile and so is my heart, i don't fall in love easily, but you somehow found a way to make me fall for you.

now i don't know what to do
my love for you hasn't died
i cant seem to find myself
I'm lost and confused
with nowhere to go
and no one to go to


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  • 17 years ago

    by Karl Wild GG23

    I know how it feels to have a broken heart and its terrible, we feel like never wanting to love again, but the only thing that can actually make us better is love great work 5/5 check out my poems you'll love them

  • 17 years ago

    by cuca aShLeY

    I thought i hadd gotten over thiss..but it follows me isnt meant for me..pain is..