Daughter To Mother;

by CondescendingHeart   Dec 3, 2006

If You Showed Any Sign Of Affection,
Or If By Chance You Cared,
Maybe I Could Live A Little,
Without My Life Compared.

If You Really Loved Me,
Then Why Doesn't It Show,
If You Were So Proud Of Me,
How Come I Didn't Know.

Why Would You Hug,
When You Body Is So Cold,
Like The Way You Look At Me,
As I'm Growing Old.

You Frown Upon My Mistakes,
And Only See My Flaws,
Not The Beauty Inside Nor Out,
Just The Wrecking Cause.

You Never Congratulate Me,
In The Goals That Ive Achieved,
Cause I Could Have Done Better,
Is All That You've Believed.

You Say You Love Me; Right?
Then Why Are You Ashamed
Why Am I The Only Johnston,
That Was Wrongfully Named.

You Insult With Your Petty Labels,
That Make Me Feel So Low,
I'd Rather You Hit Me Then;
To Stand Another Blow.

You Lie Right To My Face,
And Yet You Say Its Wrong,
In This Family Of Perfection,
I'm Afraid I Dont Belong.


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  • 18 years ago

    by e LIZ a beth

    :X GASP!!! wow. i really love this poem. idk what to say. the last stanza completed the entire poem!!! it was so good. it seems so like real i mean im not saying its not. idk it just seems like a lot of people can relate. i love it. its so HEARTFELT!! great job!!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by BECCA lessTHANthree

    Aww.. this is SOO SAD!!! i have tears in my eyes.. and wow.. what a PEREFECT.. no BEYONG PERFECT ending.. so strong and wow.. its just like a BAM! in your face anding.. lol.. spectacular write.. definitly my favorite so far!