Comments : Things I Should've Said

  • Awe I loved that. Very sad.

  • 18 years ago

    by stefanie

    I feel you on this one. i can relate to parts of it. great job. keep up the good work. and thank you for the comment. :)

  • 17 years ago

    by TheWorldFellNUWerentThere

    Aww. This is so sad! Yes, many of us think of things we shouldve done or said to that person to make them stay. Thanks for the comments. Your a true poet! Keep up your writing. And never forget that you are AWESOME! 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by erin

    Your writing is soo deep and so real itts amazing!!!

    oh and thnx 4 the comment!

    xoxo, erin

  • 17 years ago

    by La La xx Beth

    Wonderful! amazing! i cant even think of more words to describe this poem! but its faaaabulous!! haha.

    and its so true. good job and dont stop writing!!!! EVER. kthnx


  • 17 years ago

    by David

    I wish this never had to happen to anyone. gee. its so sad. someone leaving the other.

    you brought out the true effect of how it is. thank you. 5.


  • Hey wow..your poems are amazing. This one also makes me think of a past relationship. I was with a guy for almost 2 years and the next thing out of no where he dumped me and i felt my heart break. Wonderful job. Keep it up!!

  • 17 years ago

    by cindy Maahs

    Wow I was just goind to thank you for your comment but I see we have the same kind of Story going on here. I love this one. I can associate with it and feel the pain. Thanx for sharing. I hope you're feeling better. For me writting definitely helps!

  • 16 years ago

    by Gizmo

    Very emotional. 9/10