The pain i feel as i say goodbye

by deeplydesturbed   Dec 3, 2006

I just like blood.. the redness, the flow, the hurt... all going out with the blood escaping from my wrist
yea i may seem weird... but the way i let go of my pain is in a way much known.... everyone who is hurting has thought of doing it... everyone knows what its like to feel really depressed at least once... one slice here.. one slice there... evening out the pain all over my body... first the wrist then the neck, then the leg, then i stop... time for the real thriller at the show... i must die... i pull out a knife and start breathing deeply.. i have to do it, but i cant... can i??? i must say goodbye first... before i die.. so see you around all those who ever cared to give me a glance... my time has come and i will take it before it pasts me by... leaving this life behind... no one will feel it too bad... i was worthless... i must go.. goodbye before I'm going to die.. I'm doing this for you... you wanted me to feel the pain you could bring upon me and now its my turn for revenge... see you in hell....


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  • 7 years ago

    by CJ Maleney

    This is so powerful,

    But it conflicts within me. There are things that have happened in life, both mine and many others that should make us be able to say goodbye.

    It's easier said than done though and I'm some instances I haven't because goodbye is so final. Perhaps I should but sometimes I just can't.

    An amazing poem and one to get the cog wheels in ones head turning


  • 8 years ago

    by Marvellous

    Death is never the best option. There's always one out there, who cares.

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    An emotion filled piece.

    Take care and if you need to talk I'm here, EM

  • 13 years ago

    by Corina

    This is very well written sweetie. It shows your emotions and you've written your feelings very well.

    =) Corina

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