Love cant be bought for it comes from the heart.
I used to say i loved you from the very start.
but now that i see how i used to pretend.
only not know how the results would end.
I truly fell in love and still falling till this day
but Ive never truly never felt like this for anyone this way.
I wish it was that easy to just get over you.
but my love is so strong so willing and so true.
I cant express them to where it shows i care.
But only way to i can is when i tell or share.
my thought's for you but when i say them it's way to late.
For if you have to take a second thought or maybe even debate.
Then i know Ive done something wrong for i shouldn't of pretended.
that in then beginning i loved you for not knowing not how'd it ended.
this poem was writen for my first true love
David Paul Stovall