Look what youve done(i hurt me)

by kaili   Dec 4, 2006

I hurt myself today.i hurt me with a blade,across my wrists lakes of deep red overflow.blood runs down my wrists.i walked to school,headphones full blast.scars running up my arm, tears running down my cheeks.i sit, huddled up in a corner,my cutting blade in one hand a picture of you in the other.I'm so scared to die but i wish i would. you pushed me down yesterday, helped me back up and pushed me down again.I'm scared to tell you how i feel.will you feel the same or will you laugh at me some more.please tell me what to do someone, I'm killing myself.
i guess one day it got so bad,cause right now I'm standing beside a pool of blood, my eyes are wide open and my body is still.the blood belongs to me.my mom walks into my room,shocked at what she see(her baby girl,the one who was never going to get hurt,barley alive)my dad runs in the room.i hand then the picture,hug them and "goodbye"
and all this cause one girl felt rejected because of you.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Shae

    Sorry, I never acually realized how many people were going through it (lost my head for a minute..hehe)

  • 18 years ago

    by Shae

    I'm sorry you are going through this. I never acually realized it...(I added you to msn..)


  • 18 years ago

    by kaili

    Ps people i wrote this after my real feeling
    if you want to talk to me about anything comment me or email me heres my email: kaili_velde@hotmail.com