Wanting, needing, desiring
A love we both have
A love that is a special kind
A kind few know of
The kind all dream off
The kind we deny ourselves
The love that grows and burns in me
This fire grows stronger and hotter
I just wonder why you deny this from us
I just wonder why you make this harder then it has to be
But I respect your decision
You feel you need to find yourself
But I know you know yourself already
You need new adventures and excitement
But I know you are a great person who loves love
I know you are a caring person who cares deeply
I know you are capable of things you don't even know of
I now your love in your heart is amazing
But whatever it is you need to find do it
If you want to make sure I'm right for you
Then go out, learn, and have fun
Maybe I even know you better then you do
I want to wait forever, and it feels like I have
But just don't toy with my feelings
Even if you don't now you are, it hurts
So go find yourself, be great at it, and have a blast
And if you change your mind on me that is fine
I just wanted you to know that I love you
I have along time ago and continue too
But please just don't pull me around
Then drop me for the next best thing.