Comments : The Storm

  • 18 years ago

    by Italian Stallion

    Very interesting, I liked it. The flow and structure was good. Good Job at a free verse poem. Keep up the good work.

    Peace, Joe

  • 18 years ago

    by The Angel of Secrets

    An excellent poem I really liked it, the way and the style it is written in.
    A good write, keep it up.

    The Angel of Secrets

  • 18 years ago

    by Jason

    Very good poem. It definetly describes the weather here. I really liked the lines
    "A sprinkle here,
    And a sprinkle there"
    It made the storm seem somehow gentle.

  • 18 years ago

    by dollwithafrown

    The imagery created here was wonderful. I really loved how the storm was described, and then everything went back to normal, seemingly as if it didn't happen.

    Nicely penned.

  • 18 years ago

    by Kristina

    Great poem!

    people have downvoted my lyrics "Hold On, Move Along" so I have deleted it and reposted it can you please leave your comment on it again and voted =]
    this is what you said

    It is great. you are a great song writer and poet. Keep up the great work.5/5

    thank you!

  • 18 years ago

    by ellewen

    I like it better then allot of the ones you have done. Its good. keep it up . I would put more thought into this comment but i dont like one liner comments I recieve

  • 18 years ago

    by *Charisma*

    Okay, I loved this. It painted a thunderstomr (my favorite thing) so vividly in my head. I've got one called Thunderstorm Tears in my favs and I wrote it cuz of my love for em...great job!

  • 18 years ago

    by UnToLd TrUtH

    This is new to me but i loved your poem. Gave me alot to picture and gave great details 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by deeplydesturbed

    Nice poem... i like it an it describes a storm well..

  • 18 years ago

    by Jessica

    That was really good. I loved all the metaphors you used. The flow was good and the imagery was great. Maybe think about a better title though. Nicely done 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Momentary Relapse

    Imagery was extremely cool and vivid...stayed focused and consistent throughout with the idea of the storm. The beginning definitely set it up and the descriptions were excellent. Cool job.

  • 18 years ago

    by Tiny Reader

    Clouds roll in from the east,
    Across the violet sky,
    Like waves out at sea.
    ^So glad to see the simile has not died out!

    The thunder rolls,
    And the ground quacks,
    As lightning of purple,
    Flashes across the dark sky.
    The wind picks up,
    And tree branches bend,
    Till they nearly touch the ground.
    ^ Great imagery here although the commas aren't necessary at the end of every line.

    Then comes the rain.
    A sprinkle here,
    And a sprinkle there.
    Then it comes with vegans,
    In slanting sheets,
    So thick that none could see.
    ^ Again, the imagery here is good. No critique for this stanza :)

    Then just like that,
    The storm is gone.
    And all is still,
    And fresh once more.
    ^ Perfect ending. As the storm ends and the mood of the poem changes, so does the structure.


  • 18 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    I loved this.
    You have a lot of talent for free verse.
    Again, the imagery was amazing.

  • 18 years ago

    by Lauren Waszkiewicz

    Lil prob-
    quacks,.. the ground is a duck?i thnk you mean

    But thats about it. it flowed very well and it was very descriptive. it painted a great picture in my mind. whats a vegan? lol.. thats the only part i do not get. i also loved how it just stopped, and everything kind of went back to the wqay it was. as though it never happened. i think this has many deeper meanings..

    Good job.


  • 18 years ago

    by Lauren Waszkiewicz

    I jsut commented.. but apparently it didn submit.. odd but w/e

    lol. Quack Quack im a duck.. i think you mean

    but thats the only thing icould find wrong at all in this poem. it is penned wonderfully. the imagery is awesome. and the details are great. it flowed well and i love the change of pace at the end. i think this has many deeper meanings as well. great job

    x3 Lauren

  • 18 years ago

    by Lauren Waszkiewicz

    Oh. it did post. oh well.. xD

  • 18 years ago

    by Kyra

    Wow this is a very powerful peice. 5/5 Keep writing :D

  • 18 years ago

    by LadyPearl

    Great free-style. Nice use of descriptions. It ended perfectly

  • 18 years ago

    by Bryan

    Another good poem!!! 5/5!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Naima

    Aww I like this one! Reminds me a little about a song by Samantha Mumba and a little bit of a short story I read in AP lit. great job