Her Suicide Note

by cassie   Dec 4, 2006

She listens to the music,
The soothing sound of the beat,
She curls up on the ground,
Fragile tears she starts to weep.

She memorizes the lyrics,
And plays it over in her head,
For much of the story,
Is like the life she has lead.

She looks around,
No one to find her,
No one around,
Thats how it always is.

Forever alone,
Forgotten and cold,
Shes a hopeless piece of crap,
Those words shes been told.

Her crying gets harder,
Her head hits the ground,
You hear a deafening scream,
This pain to her is bound.

So tight it wont let go,
Her blood begins to seep,
Ashamed of her thoughts,
So those shell secretly keep.

No one understands her,
No one seems to care,
The pain is getting way too strong,
The pain she cannot bear.

She wont keep this to herself,
These last words she wrote,
Are of suffering and pain,
Her final suicide note...


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  • 15 years ago

    by Kuro

    I liked this a lot. i hope you are feeling okay. keep writing :)

  • 17 years ago

    by xDieRomanticx

    That was amazing. When i read this it seemed so deep and personal.

  • 17 years ago

    by xxSnow Angelxx

    Hey hun...the poem is deep,touching and painful...filled with emotions...very powerful work!....Good job!..Kp it up!

  • 17 years ago

    by Wake

    Oi,chica AWESOME poem ..i mean...like,totally.

    n the ending was just SUPERB..lovin it ^^

    o n .btw..thx fr d comment =D

  • 18 years ago

    by Krystal

    Your poems are really deep and really catchy to they tell the world about and the way you feel too. Keep on writting and maybe you can check out mine.

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