Appearances can be a deception

by Katie Louise   Dec 4, 2006

The appearances of a person
Depend upon many things,
They twist and turn
into someone else
Of who they do believe

Once upon a time,
I used to be a Punk,
but now I am a Mosher
and I dont give a damn

I love the person who I am
and will always stay the same
Metal music is my life
and has been since I was a babe

I love my bone jacket
and legions of black
My T-shirts of MCR
They are my favorite band in the world
and Ill love them forevermore.

The tabloids can say all that they want
theyre always talking rubbish
Emo is a word that has no meaning to me
They just use it to
catcategoriesople into fear of someone like me.

People like this,
Think its OK to slate us
Just for who we are,
I used to think, that how people dressed,
is what they truly are

Now I know its a stupid idea,
people cant be judged by their clothes,
So many people who dressed like me
were just faking who they were
So many times I found it out
They hated me for all it was worth

They donned all the clothes that I used to wear
pretending they wanted to be friends
but all they wanted to know me for
was to get a good laugh out of it

They werent really rockers, or Moshers or Goths
Or even punks or freaks,
they were just idiots who thought it was funny
to take the junk out of me

No matter how hard they decided to try
I saw right through their disguise
They could never fool me of who they were inside...

Appearances can be deceiving from the surface
so it seems
You can fool the world
But you cant fool yourself
from who you really are

I couldnt care less
if the world whispers and stares
or tries to strangle me
Im still the person I fought to be
And Ill only ever be me...


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