
by Joyce Lee salinis   Dec 4, 2006



right where you where when you left me
right where I wanted to be
the place that has no end
the place with no name
an eeternityof pain
only hhatingyourself
feeling as if nothing could
ever break you free from this,
alone, wworthless iinvisible|_if only I could ddisappear..
would anyone ever notice.....
would anyone even care,
after all is said and done
will there still be someone
to hold my hand, call me \"dear\"
if things where as \"okOKas you
say they are, then why I am still
sitting here... why do the tears
still fall from my eyes, and ththese_drops of blood still stain my life with my fears,
does it even matter that my fear is eaeating_away at me, slowly but surely,
sooner then you may think the next
time you come to ququestionere...
I just may as well be dead.

If all you wanted to know was
what\'s up, or how have you been
think about your question,
before you let me fill it in...
the monsters inside me,
the sea deep with sin,
agitate my waters
go ahead & take a swim
it may be dark & murky
but you\'ll never miss a thing...

the only thing left to do with me
is make what was of me last till there is no more
saver every momorself my will
and cecreasey dedepressionith your anger
the more they intertwine the more
it will help pile up to my ththeoreticalSPLAT!\"

I am what I am...
there\'s not much more besides that,
if you want more then you should have akaskedor more,
there\'s not much more time left here for you
wisdom & you lore... ImI\'mrcriticalhinking...
and after you read this poem
all the pill I have taken will
make me pass out & hohopefully_die on this floor...

* Joyce Lee Salinis *


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