
by TheDiiaryOfThiisGiirlx   Dec 4, 2006

People around me giving me stares
Fed up of knowing that nobody cares
The evil looks they send my way
I cant help but cry no matter what people say
No one knows what its like being me
Nobody looks hard enough to see
I try hard not to cry
When really i just wanna die
I Try to be happy, i try to smile
And i act like im okay for a while
But its getting too much, too hard to take
Fed up of everyone being so fake
I try and be positive and try and get through
I didn\'t think it would be that hard to do
But I swallow my tears and stand up to my feet
Act like i wont let them get me beat
Deep inside, it will still break me
And I cant stand knowing everyone hates me
People shouldnt judge me because im nicer than i seem
One day, hopefully it will be real and not just a dream


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  • 17 years ago

    by Sweet Disposition

    Really powerful. Liked this a lot!

  • 18 years ago

    by _X_Perfect_Problem_X_

    Oi lad thats really well done i understadn how ur feeling and what ur going through

  • 18 years ago


    I like this poem very much

  • 18 years ago

    by Linzii

    Hey im really able to relate to this poem and its really cool to be able to relate to something. Yeah and I know how you feel cause i feel the same way
    ~The girl that can relate