How can you not have noticed
The way i've been dying inside
I cried out for you to help me
But you were too busy with your own life
I can't fight the feelings for much longer
They're engulfing me more every day
I need you to see me, to listen
There's so many things that I've hidden away
Life isn't great at the moment
I've got issues that need sorting out
But I can't do it all on my own now
I'm not strong so for you, I shout
There's this guy that I know-
Well, I love him.
And my friends have all left my side
I'm ashamed of who I am, and what I've become
I only need one person
That's mum
I'm crying alone as I write this
Wishing you would walk through the door
And hug me and tell me you love me
And that i'll always be your little girl
But if you can't see i'm in turmoil
Then i will have lost...i'll be gone.