When I think of you

by sexy_emo_kelsey   Dec 5, 2006

When i think of you
My stomach knotts,
Yet I feel so comfortable, relaxed and happy...

I start to blush,
Remembering the first time you said you loved me...

I feel so warm,
Remembering the feel of your body against mine that night...

I feel like singing,
About how much I love you, and how lucky I am to be with you...

My hands start to sweat,
Remembering the first time I held that ring

I stare into space,
Imagining your deep blue eyes, so caring and gentle...

I lose my breath,
remembering the first time you kissed me

...I start to think,
What would I do without you?


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  • 18 years ago

    by Alyssa Lauren LaVelle

    Deep...real...painful to realize how true this really is.

    -- lovely lesbo

  • 18 years ago

    by Alyssa Lauren LaVelle

    Deep...real...painful to realize how true this really is.

    -- lovely lesbo

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