The Real Romeo and Juliet

by scars and stories   Dec 5, 2006

Our teachers always told us
From the time we were young
That Romeo and Juliet
Was the saddest song ever sung

But I disagree
With those teachers and sages
For there have been sadder songs
Sung through the ages

For Romeo and Juliet
Together did meet
Although, I'll admit,
It was no easy feat

But there was a pair
Not so much older
That entered a world
That was even colder

A love blossomed between them
And before anyone knew
Her mother found out
And made sure it was through

She had to reject him
And couldn't say why
So their only place together
Was a castle in the sky

So now they are strangers
And yet their hearts yearn
For the ones they have lost
And the love letters burned

Now its fifteen years later
She gets married today
He loves her he says
But she doesn't say

So now at the altar
Right behind the groom
Stands the best man
I think you know whom

She goes to say her vows
Her face looks pale and grim
She turns around to face the groom
And then encounters him

Eyes lock and memories flood
Emotions pour back into their hearts
But she simply says, "I do"
And emotions go off the charts

You see, she saw her mother watching
Staring from the crowd
And she knew, deep down inside herself
That it would never be allowed

And when the priest finally said
"I pronounce you man and wife"
First came a scream, then came a tear
Filled with broken hearts and strife

Two people died in church that day
But they walk among us still
Living testimonies of a life
By another's will

So Romeo and Juliet
Had it better than this pair
For killing yourself to be with your love
Is better than living in despair


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  • 15 years ago

    by just a poet

    This is a really good poem. it flowed really well. if you wanted to make iteven better you could even out the sylabols in each line a little more but thats only if your a perfectnist. its really good both from a poetc sense and a romantic one. even better it has a moving story to it. i was wondering weather its based on reality?

  • 17 years ago

    by fatima

    Your poems was well and truley amazing WOW.........please do read and comment on some of poems thankyou......... x x x tc

  • 17 years ago

    by Lisa

    Wow amazing poem
    keep it up!

  • 18 years ago

    by Koriey Korrupted

    That poem was beutiful, sad in a good way.
    I love it. :]


  • 18 years ago

    by Hannah Emellia

    Ohmigosh! this is reallly pretty!! i loved it. 5/5

    So now they are strangers
    And yet their hearts yearn
    For the ones they have lost
    And the love letters burned

    My fave stanza.